The SECRETS Exhibition
September 2024
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency, and VIBRATION.”
~ Nikola Tesla ~
Over the last year, I’ve become very aware of the secrets Mother Nature holds, and indeed, the secrets and dreams we all hold.
As my work is heavily inspired by nature, the colours, scents, sounds, rhythms, and seasons, I am naturally attuned to the landscape around me. I really feel a deep ancient energy within Mother Nature, that is constantly offering a reconnection, and healing to us all. Her secrets waiting to be discovered.
Over the past few months it became apparent that my work was moving in circles! I was literally painting vortexes. Maybe this is the connection to the cosmos, and the knowing that we are all from the stars?
When we are drawn to different colours, the energetic body is often craving healing from that vibration. When we are drawn to visit the forests, mountains or oceans, we are craving the energies from that space. We are ready to receive the healing Mother Nature is offering.
Holding an exhibition of such highly vibrational pieces of work is so exciting!
Knowing a piece is being created specifically to share with the person who will discover this painting in the future, fills me with joy. It’s such a privilege witnessing someone standing in front of a painting that Mother Nature called me to create, and them discovering that this is their painting! The energy, the artist, and the viewer are connected at the same time, through the painting, and through the universal energy that called us to meet.
One Night Only.....
An Event Unlike Any Other....
This collection is all about SECRETS.
The colour. The Joy. The Frequency.

This was an amazing event.
The largest body of work that held so many secrets, now out in the world for others
to see and feel.
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if you'd like details of future events.