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Where has the time gone? No need to panic, just BE.

I’m a little late in writing a new blog post. I was suddenly aware it is nearly mid summer, and realised I haven’t written since the trip to France. Rather than panicking about it, I noticed that I have actually given up worrying about time. People inevitably exclaim,’Where has the time gone? Is it mid-summer already? It will soon be Christmas!’ We are normally sent into a panic when this happens.

Time moves at the same rate. We just perceive it differently. As children, term time dragged and school holidays went too fast. As adults, summer never seems to be long enough and we all complain about the long cold winters and the need to see sunshine.

Are we wishing our lives away?

I think it’s human nature to be looking ahead for something better. Better weather, next years holiday, the next car, your birthday plans. We need to plan, but we don’t need to worry.

I recently lost a friend to cancer. She was only in her late 60s. No age really. One of my first friends, rather than a relative to pass away. It really makes you think.

Just take it as it is.

Enjoy the moments you have. Plan ahead for the next holiday – it does us good to plan! Something to look forward to.

You only have one crack at it, and it seems that we all wait until we encounter mid-life, to realise this. To the younger ones reading this, your life is very precious. You may not realise this for many years to come, but it is. Being on this planet at this time is a gift. Use your presence here wisely! –

Woo Woo alert!

We are all balls of energy in a human body. Make the most of this and experience, explore and enjoy. To enjoy your life, you don’t need to be doing the same things as your friends. The continual chatter in your head about being something else, doing something better, wanting to be like someone else. Just make the most of YOUR life. Be grounded. In the moment. It’s a bit of a cliché, but it’s fact. We only really have the NOW.

Yes, life will always throw you a curve ball from time to time. Shit will happen. Deal with it as is appears. Worry isn’t helpful, although we are all prone to a little worry and panic from time to time, it makes us human.

We all need a reality check sometimes.

I’ve just been away to Cornwall for a couple of days. If you remember back to last year, I returned inspired to work with sound. This year I had another light bulb moment! The Spa at The Scarlet is a very special place. I can put my trust in another therapist who can do her thing! A little like when clients come to me and say ‘just do what you think I need.’

I did that with Lorena. She had all my notes from previous years, where my menopausal symptoms were quite challenging and my 50th birthday was looming. This was giving me severe skin ageing worries! I am human. Please don’t judge me!

This year things had really shifted and changed.

All due to my art! My therapist explained that in Ayurvedic medicine, there needs to be a balance of energies in, and energies out. I can’t remember it all in detail, but basically, because I have stopped menstruating, the rest of my body had to work overtime to expel energies that would normally move through during a period. The flow was literally blocked, and I was out of balance. It happens to us all.  

Since I saw her last year, I started to literally channel my energies in to Abstract Art. My energy is now flowing again, but in a different way. I guess this is why women of a certain age often start a hobby, but they don’t really know why. They think it’s something to do in retirement. It’s actually to balance the flow of energies.

So, I am unleashed, unblocked and ready to go! My energies were really balanced on this visit. A marked difference, and when I think about it, my hot flushes reduced considerably when I started painting! The lovely bonus was that my therapist had seen my work on Face Book and loved it!

Great Opportunities ahead.

For me this is an exciting time. A new phase and I’m certainly not worrying about how much time I have left. I’m just going to be in the moment and enjoy the process, as they say! I have some of my work on display in reception here at Wayside House. Another avenue, another branch of what I do.  Never fear, I am still giving treatments! This is just one of those life changing moments that I’m moving along with. Going with the new flow.

If you want to follow my work, have a look on instagram. There will also be a new website coming soon.

The gallery wall in reception.



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Nicki is a Contemporary Energy Artist and Holistic Healer based in the beautiful Somerset Levels.

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© 2017 - 2024 by Nicki Hughes Contemporary Energy Artist 

Wayside House, Heale Lane, Curry Rivel, TA10 0PG |  Website Design by Lorrie

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