Melancholy Moments
I was contacted last week by an editor of a newspaper offering me a piece in an art section running up to Christmas. She asked if we had the puppy yet, having seen a recent blog post. I've just realised that some people visit my website and check this blog, but they aren't signed up to the newsletter. This means they've missed all the news about Puppy Jack. Most of the daily updates are on instagram stories and reels, and I'm also mindful that not everyone is on the Gram!
So the News is Here.
Puppy Jack arrived three weeks ago and has brought joy into our lives. He's also brought sharp teeth and need to investigate everything that could be chewable, and has the need to poo more than any adult dog ever would. But, he's fitted in really well, putting on 2kg in two weeks and gaining confidence every day.
Here's a 30 second video from 10 days ago - he's grown since then! Plant pots and his Bag For Life are his toys of choice at the moment.
Moments of Sadness
Sometimes when the house is still and puppy is asleep, I look up to the photos we have of his predecessors on a shelf in the dining room. My darling Bob only left us in August so it's only to be expected that I will have moments of reflection and sadness. Sometimes if feels like we are disrespecting him by putting all our attention in to the new little rug rat, but I know he probably had some part to play in Jack choosing us. His time with us was over and we move on. If you missed the post - read it HERE. When is the best time to bring a new dog in to your home? There is no answer. The time is right, when the time comes, and I was very lonely.
It's Less Raw
The feelings may be less raw but sometimes, little moments can bring on a tsunami of emotion. We used to give Bob scrambled egg from the pan on a Sunday, and he loved melon and green beans. Jack hasn't had the pleasure of eggs yet, but he does like a carrot! Every time I make eggs I think of our lovely boy. Every time I see a pair of MrH's socks, I'm reminded of the 8pm #SockTime I would post on instagram. It's just part of the story. Part of my life and how we move from one stage to the next. Memories and moments in time where we look back and feel the emotions stir. Good, bad, sad, and joyful.
We Have the Memories
We have Jack on the left, Bob at the top, and Blu on the bottom. Blu lived until he was sixteen and was with me before I met MrH. They were and are, very special boys! These photos were all taken at about 8 weeks old.

We have training to do, walks to explore and a dose of mindfulness and patience to deploy every day. We are twelve years older since we had Bob, and puppy training will bring the same challenges now as it did then, but we forget how much patience is needed. Little and often is the key. I work from home, so it's so easy to pop in at lunch time to run him round the garden and give him lunch - yes, puppies need lunch, I'd forgotten about that!
If you would like to see his progress, and you're not on Instagram, do sign up to the newsletter. I don't bombard your inbox, but you'll see a mix of updates in one place rather than just the musings on this blog. Just go to and fill in the contact form and TICK THE BOX.