Full Circle
The bees are calling me back to where it all began. It's quite a story, so warrants a longer blog post rather than the usual snippet of news from my world, so settle in, I won't keep you too long I promise!
Do you remember me from Terral House?
This was before my husband and I opened Genesis Day Spa in Taunton. It was long before I met him, way back in 1989. I'm aware quite a few readers weren't even born then! Since leaving college I'd always been self employed, starting in rooms about hairdressers in the town. My Mother and Stepfather bought Terral House as a business opportunity. It was owned by a couple who were running Taunton Sunbed Centre from the upstairs rooms. The idea was to put me in so we had a beauty therapy option, and the two would feed from each other.
My side grew over the following eleven years and the sunbeds naturally declined. We added hairdressing that addressed the balance, and during this time, I lived there in one of the bedrooms - top right! Planning permission was only granted if the property was kept part residential.

It's all about the honey.
A client popped over the other day to look at the new gallery space. During lots of chatting, she mentioned she had been given a jar as a gift, and loved it so much she wanted some more. Looking at the label she saw it was from bees at TERRAL HOUSE.
Now, this lady hadn't known me in those days, she only found me when I had the Day Spa, but she knew of Terral, wanted more honey, so she decided to 'pop in'.
Introducing herself and asking to purchase a jar of honey, she was invited in. My Mother and Stepfather moved into the house, turning it in to a home in 2001, then moved to France in 2004 when it was purchased by the lovely couple who are still there today.
My client spoke of me, the connection to the house, and my switch to Energy Art. She made me promise to make myself known to them. So I drove round this week with a brochure. Sadly no one was home, but I popped it through the door with a covering note, so it didn't look like some random marketing mail - although my brochures come wrapped in ribbon in hand painted envelopes!
Painting With Bees - not literally!
If you've followed me for a while, you will know that not only do I create large pieces of work that hold a frequency that can change the dynamics within a space and speak to the soul of the view, but I also capture the energies within nature with my sprite catching.
Everything holds a frequency and vibration. Different patterns emerge when I work under different trees or by dipping the handmade paper into different streams or pools.
I feel drawn to see what happens when I paint near bees.
Bees hold a vibration of 256hz. The same frequency of the root chakra. Grounding, and balancing.
I've learnt a lot about bees from my friend Paula Carnell, and it's now time to allow the bees to speak to me. Time to bring the vibration into the art. What better way than to take handmade paper, and place it on top of a hive. The vibration isn't strong enough to physically move the ink like it would if you played music through a speaker onto the paper, but the energetic frequency will emerge when I use breath to move the ink.
I knew the owners of Terral House have a honey stall at the Taunton Farmers Market, so I popped in a couple of days later to make myself known and to ask the question.....

'Could I borrow your bees?'
It wasn't easy explaining how I work while standing by a busy market stall that also sells cider, but the lovely Jeremy has invited me back to Terral House to look at the bees and the garden. A trip along memory lane for me, and a chance to develop my work even more.
Apparently, they started to keep bees after a swam was thankfully removed from one of the chimneys by a beekeeper friend, and then moved into a bait hive in the garden. They've had bees ever since, growing to thirteen hives in total - not all at the house!
When I look deeper into the story, with the connection of the honey being given as a gift, and my client knowing my history, to the meeting of Jeremy and his lovely daughter at the market, and now to a visit back to where it all started, you see how interconnecting the universe really is.
Bees signify abundance, team work, and ensuring balance between work and play. Literally, stopping to smell the flowers. There's a lot of research you can do on the ol' internet, but I found this link that's a good balance or symbolism and the importance of bees in the spiritual context.
Watch this space
I feel I'll be visiting my old home very soon. Let's see how the story unfolds! Until then, I have some Rape Honey for my breakfast, from the fields around Nailsboune, where Jeremy has some of his hives.
